Fingerprinting, verification of the fingerprint
The agency "Private detective Kharkiv" make fingerprinting in Kharkiv and throughout Ukraine.
Fingerprints of all people are different. That is why the unique traces left by man, it is possible to identify a person. This method is known as fingerprinting and is widely used by many services.
Fingerprinted, ie fixing fingerprints, palms can be made both from the living and the corpses. Comparison of the data obtained with the figure, left-handed, can prove or disprove the fact of the presence there of the individual.
Fingerprinting in Kharkiv is increasingly used not only criminalist, but also in conducting private investigations. Thus, specialists of the agency "Private detective Kharkov" have experience with fingerprints. The method has been applied in the investigation of crimes and service in the affairs of a personal nature.
When a fingerprint examination is over, the expert can answer a wide range of identity issues:
- whether the prints belong to the objects one or more people;
- studied the prints belong to a specific person.
As fingerprinting Kharkov allows to answer a series of diagnostic questions:
- whether the object fingerprints
- how many people have left the prints;
- age, sex, height of a man who left the prints;
- whether the available prints produce identification;
- what kind of hand, how the site hands (what finger or place hand) left the imprint;
- how to position the fingers at the time of contact;
- Localization prints on multiple analytes surfaces;
- whether the person who left the prints, personality: an abnormal structure of the hands, fingers, or the lack of some of the phalanges, diseases of the skin, scars;
- whether at the hands at the time of contact between foreign objects: gloves, a ring;
- age of fingerprints.
Sufficient to carry out fingerprinting to answer all these questions, and thus move the investigation forward.
Fingerprinted in Kharkov, the Agency "Private detective Kharkiv", carried out officially, that is provided to the client the results are valid. The conclusion can be used as part of the evidence in investigations.Thanks to this service were able to establish the involvement of persons for service offenses, trespassing, theft. Fingerprinting with objects and drawing fingerprint card will be in the shortest time. The work is strictly confidential customer's interests are protected.
Conducting fingerprint expert agency "Private detective Kharkiv" to expedite the completion of the investigation.
- Detective agency provides services in urban areas:
- Staryij saltov
- Dachnoe
- Kapitolovka
- Chervonyij donecz
- Komsomolskoe
- Kommunar
- Zolochev
- Kiseli
- Gubarovka
- Soloniczevka
- Chkalovskoe
- Eshar
- Budyi
- Borovaya
- Kupyansk
- Kostiv
- Zachepilovka
- Vladimirovka
- Novopokrovka
- Nadtochii
- Gontov yar
- Lipczyi
- Pesochin
- Kurilovka
- Prikolotnoe
- Novoselovka
- Korobochkino
- Genievka
- Zmiev
- Valki
- Bezruki
- Sahnovshhina
- Shevchenkovo
- Semenov yar
- Lozovaya
- Vyisokij
- Czirkunyi
- Krasnokutsk
- Verbovka
- Rogan
- Manchenki
- Zidki
- Bogoduhov
- Savinczyi
- Martovo
- Prudyanka
- Pershotravnevoe
- Harkov
- Novaya vodolaga
- Lebyazhe
- Parhomovka
- Cherkasskaya lozovaya
- Pokotilovka
- Olshanyi
- Kryisino
- Staryij merchik
- Ohochee
- Russkaya lozovaya
- Liman
- Malaya rogozyanka
- Polevaya
- Kulinichi
- Elitnoe
- Shelestovo
- Krasnograd
- Orilka
- Murafa
- Dvurechnaya
- Berezovka
- Izyum
- Slatino
- Sosonovka
- Chapaevo
- Pobeda
- Bliznyuki
- Pavlovka
- Kovyagi
- Balakleya
- Mechebilovo
- Pechenegi
- Panyutino